No less than 3
mating pairs of cats, 2 leopards and
one pair of lions were seen and
photographed. During one session
Camp Pan Male and Notten Female
mated an incredible 14 times in the
space of an hour.

In addition to
the cats, large herds of buffalo and
elephant were seen on numerous
A total of 14
white rhino were seen on one day
during the safari.
At Tiger Canyons,
two of the 9 tigers seen by Alex and
Tanya were actually seen on a sonar
scan. Tigress Julie was immobilized
and scanned, revealing at least 2
well developed fetuses
Alex shot with a
Nikon D800 and D300 with a 400mm
lens. Tanya had a Sony HD video cam.
I shot with a Nikon D4 and a 80mm to
400mm lens. Byron Serea, our ranger
at Londolozi, shot with a Canon 60D
with a 400mm lens.
Here are some of our
pictures to share with you.

Our thanks to Ranger
Byron and Tracker Judas who worked
tirelessly to produce the near perfect
safari. Thanks to the staff of Founders
Camp for their friendship and
hospitality. Thanks to Tracker Ricky
and all staff at Tiger Canyons.

This safari
proves if you are prepared to spend
time and effort and have good
equipment, spectacular photos can be
There is nowhere
in the world where the four big
cats, lion, leopard, cheetah and
tiger can be photographed in such a
short space of time.
Leopard and tiger
pictures are arriving for the
photographic competition. The
standard of pictures is extremely
high and the prize is a Big Cat
Safari (see website)
"The Big Cats are
not there purely for our photos,
they are fellow creatures prepared
to spend a moment in time with us"
Tread Light on
the Earth