Against the backdrop of the dwindling tiger populations in the wilds, Tiger
Canyons was established 25 km north west of the town of Philippolis on the
Van der Kloof Lake in the Karoo of South Africa. Tiger Canyons is the brainchild of John Varty, a South African
conservationist and filmmaker who specializes in Big Cats....read more
Safaris @ Tiger Canyons:

Tigress Julie Lodge

At Tiger Canyons, four litter of cubs
are providing us with the finest photo opportunities in our
history...read more
The Power of the Photograph

Celebrating Tigers by Alex Kirichko
I am extremely proud to have been a
collaborator on the finest photographic Tiger Book ever
produced. It is called "Celebrating Tigers"....read
Pictures by Christo Schmidt during his
recent exclusive tiger safari with JV. Christo and his
family stayed at the new Tigress Julie Lodge

Tibo Produces White cubs
The photographic opportunities are
outstanding as all three cubs are confident and becoming
habituated.... read more

Tigress Panna and her cubs
The Indian Connection
Greatly inspired by the film "Living
with Tigers", Dr Pabla has reintroduced Tigers into
Panna Reserve, after they became locally extinct....read

Tigress Jameez basking in morning light in front of Tigress
Julie Lodge. Picture credit: Juta Jacobi
Sadly, in the Karoo of South Africa, at the turn of the
previous century, man destroyed the symbiotic relationship
between the land and the animals....read
Tigers Bird and Sunderban playing
JV's response to Elayna Kinley letter: So let me ask you, apart from
sitting behind your computer, what have you done for
Tigers? ...read
Running on Empty
In a recent interview, they asked me where I would like
Tiger Canyons to be in ten years time. This is my reply...read
The Survivor

The shy Tigress is gone and in her
place a confident caring sharing mother, totally relaxed
in our company has emerged. Panna nearly perished at
birth. She was brutally attacked by Indira and Shadow.
She remained without cubs for eight long years...read

Panna's cubs
In pursuit of Alan Root. His ability to see the migrations
through the eyes of a single wildebeest or the launching of
millions of termites from the perspective of a single
termite and communicate it to the viewing public, was
unique...read more

One of Panna's cubs...read more
An open letter to the Headmistress of
Dioscan School for Girls, the Headmaster of Saint Andrews
College, the Teachers and Coaches....read
It's Finished

We are extremely proud to announce that the
Tigress Julie Lodge is open...read more
King Corbett

Today I embrace the attack by the Tiger
Corbett as something I survived & which enriched my life.
The passing of Corbett is the end of an era & hopefully new
males will take Corbett's place...read
If it Pays, it Stays
Everyday guests from the Timbavati
lodges go out in search of the magnificent 100 pound tusker.
Some guests are lucky enough to see and photograph him. One
day this year, the guest will not carry a camera, he or she
will have a high powered rifle...read
Best Photographs at Tiger Canyons

After 2 years of drought, Gaia has
blessed us with beautiful soaking rains...read
Lady Hunters
Perhaps because women are the givers of
life, that we cannot comprehend why they would want to kill
a peaceful innocent animal like a giraffe or a majestic
animal like a leopard....read
Londolozi and Love
Londolozi’s relationship with leopard
has evolved over many years. It is one of love! There are
rangers and trackers who are more passionate about leopards
read more
Life is Not Fair
Armed only with a stick, Phumlany took
Corbett head on. He hit him 3 times before Corbett
released me. There is no question that Phumlany Mchunu saved
my life that day...read more
The Trump Card
JV agrees with Paul Watson..."Why
Fighting Donald Trump on Climate Change is a Waste of Time
and Actually Counter Productive" ...read
Most Admired People on the Planet.
In a recent interview I was asked who I admired most
on this planet. These are they...read
Captive vs Wild
The tragic death of Vivienne McKenzie by a tiger at
Laohu Valley is regrettable and I send my sincere
condolences to Vivienne’s friends, family and
colleagues. Vivienne gave years of her life to tiger
conservation...read more
To Trade or Not To Trade
The truth is elephants, lions and tigers
compete with human beings. Lions and tigers eat our domestic
stock, elephants destroy our crops and eat the grass which
could be eaten by our cows. They are competitors for space,
food and water....
read more
A Defining Moment

The doctor said: Mr Varty has had
malaria 13 times. He has had bilharzia twice. He has had 2
hernia operations. In 1995 he was in a helicopter accident
where his vertebrae T9, L1 and L2 became compressed. In 2013
he was attacked by a tiger breaking 3 ribs on his right
side. One rib is detached and free floating. In 2015 he had
a cancerous melanoma removed from his upper left thigh.
Yesterday he had two large Echinococcus hydatid cysts
removed from his liver...read
I Have Lost A Friend

His size was awesome, his nature was
gentle. I estimated that a half a million images decorate
the walls of houses in over 50 countries. I myself shot
several hard drives of Seatao....read
JV Images is proud to produce their new
song "Where will the Polar Bears go" on YouTube. A warning
that it is not for the sensitive viewers...
On the same day that Kenyatta torched 110 tons
of ivory, 33 lions were being flown into South Africa from circuses
and zoos that have been closed down in Peru and Columbia....read
An Open Letter to Head of United Nations

Now Mr Ban Ki-moon, if I am a
traveler wishing to visit a certain country, I can simply dial up
the "cruelty status" of the respective country and if it has a poor
"cruelty status", then I may consider not visiting that country...read
An Open Letter to Carte Blanche

The farmer hates anything he cannot
control. Therefore herds of migrating springbuck are a no,
no! The farmer wants animals that he can contain,
manipulate, subjugate and control. Nothing and nobody can
compete with the farmer. Therefore jackals, caracals,
baboons and even bushmen are destroyed on sight. Lions,
leopards, cheetah and hyenas were killed a long time
ago! ....read more
Satellite Tracking

I have accepted the Departments decision
in good faith. It allows us to better keep track of the
tigers. It helps scientists doing research to map the
movements of the tigers....read
Protest song
The song "Mugabe don't own the Sunrise"
has been released from JV's new album "I Protest". The song
highlights the poaching in Africa and the global wildlife
trade. The album is dedicated to Captain Paul Watson of the
Sea Shepherd:
A chain of events occurred at
Tiger Canyons which have resulted in the death of
Ussuri's male cub Antoine and the female cub
Marguerite....read more
Bad Tigers
 Neither the killing of Shine nor the killing of Tiger Boy is
unnatural behaviour. By no stretch of the imagination can
Corbett be labeled a "bad tiger."....read
Tiger Boy's Journey
During his life Tiger Boy taught me many new
things about Tiger behaviour. He was an Ambassador Tiger and
readily posed for pictures. He had an extremely calm and relaxed
nature. He is one of the few wild tigers that have ever greeted
me with a chuff. He will be sorely missed....read
Creative conservation
 This last week at Tiger Canyons, Dr Ryan
Nienaber and Dr Charlotte Mouiex expertly moved 5 tigers and put
3 tigresses on birth control. All of this in the space of a few
hours....read more
Sariska from Birth till Death

He spent long periods of time playing
with his cubs. This is unusual for a male tiger. Sariska always allowed Ussuri
and the cubs to feed before him. This too is exceptional...read
An Open Letter to the President of South Africa: Operation
Wild Lion
Your government illegalizes the holding
and breeding of lions in captivity. The government
disassembles the canned lion industry over a period of 5
years...read more
Breaking News:
Mahindra kills Sariska and badly injures
Sundarban...read more
An Open Letter to Theo Bronkhorst
When you sell in Vegas and other places, your brochures
advertise that you can get the biggest lion for your client. It is well
known that wealthy clients will pay extra for an extra large lion and
elephant above 60 pounds ivory..........The next problem is you know that Cecil must weigh
between 450 and 500 pounds. To kill an animal this size with a bow and arrow
at night, you have to be highly skilled. Palmer spends his days looking in
peoples mouths. He boasts he is good, but how good?....read
Cruel Nations
"The greatness of
a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its
animals are treated" Mahatma Gandhi
We know that elephant cows that have lost their
calves, grieve for long periods of time. The trauma and pain is extreme,
easily on par with a human mother that has lost a young child....read
Subspecies or No Subspecies

Only two tiger subspecies: "Our results
support recognition of only two subspecies: the Sunda tiger, Panthera tigris
sondaica, and the continental tiger, Panthera tigris tigris,
which consists of two (northern and southern) management
units"....read more
Tigers Moving Forward

Therefore it is with great pleasure that
I can announce that a valuable piece of land in close
proximity to Tiger Canyons has been purchased for tigers...read
Between a Rock and a Hard Place

"The world is waiting For a new direction One based on the laws of nature” ...read
Don't Shoot the Messenger

As predicted, my last newsletter drew attention from
a wide variety of people. Some people hate the idea, some think it’s a
good idea, others don’t know. Some want to crucify me. There is no
shortage of passion in this emotive issue...read
The Healing Power of Cats

I immediately sought out Runde and Sabi
and did several hours lying underneath them. At the same
time I synchronized my purring with theirs....read
Goddess Gaia

What puzzles me is why the religious
leaders of the world who are obviously so powerful are not
more concerned for the planet and its future...read
Short video about Mother Nature:
Ambassador Cats

Does the future for large cats lie in
forming relationships with sympathetic human beings? Are the
"Ambassador Cats" merely front runners? Do they realize
instinctively that their only chance of survival for their
species is to form partnerships with the very species that
is causing their demise?....read
Blondes Have More Fun

Tibo mates continually for 4 days and
shows no indication to return to the cubs during this
time...read more
"First, think,
second, believe, third, dream and finally dare" Walt Disney
Gaining Ground for Tigers
JV's inviting likeminded friends to
make a donation to the Tigress Julie Foundation.
What do you achieve by donating: You
create a home range of 1 800 hectares for 8 to 10 wild
Tigers...read more

Tibo's Dilemma

Tigress Tibo and Cheetah Mara are running purely
on instinct. They deserve our utmost admiration as they strive to
successfully raise every one of their cubs....read
Sariska Fathers Cubs with White Tigress Tibo

In his early years, because of his size and temperament, he was
unable to capture a territory at Tiger Canyons. All the large males
dominated him and he survived by literally running for his life....read
Cheetah Survival
 The tear line acts as natural dark glasses as it throws a shadow
across the eyes of the diurnal cheetah
In the Tiger Canyons experiment, we have discovered a second
survival technique. A mother cheetah can produce her first litter of
cubs at just 24 months....read more
Extract from JV's Speech on Corbett's Freedom Day
 Rodney and Lorna Drew who created a new tiger area of over 1000 Ha
for Tiger Corbett and Tigress Zaria
The big cats have always fascinated me and in
2000 I dedicated my life to saving the most endangered of the big
cats, the Tiger!....read more
Tread lightly on the
[email protected]
Copyright 2007 @jvbigcats All rights reserved |
Now the Department of Environment has issued a
permit for 1,500 lions to be killed for the body
parts...read more
Canned lion hunting: 8,000 lions are in danger
of being slaughtered for their body parts...read
The Power of the Photograph. Celebrating Tigers,
finest tiger book ever produced...read
Predator Aggression - nature’s way of
controlling the predator populations...read
An open letter to Pres Cyril Ramaphosa...read
SCI bans canned
lion hunting...read
Tigress Tibo produces white cubs...read
The Indian Connection...read
shopper vs. hunter gatherer...read
JV response to Elayna Kinley letter...read
Tiger Canyons ten years from now...read
Tigress Panna, confident, caring mother of 3
cubs...read more
Alan Root...read
Panna's cubs...
read more
Tigress Julie Lodge
is open...read more
Professional hunter killed by dead elephant
falling on him...read
Tiger Corbett's legacy...read
Hunting versus Non Hunting...read
Hunting a Big Tusker at Timbavati...read
Best photographs at Tiger Canyons...read
Lady Hunters...read
Londolozi and Love...read
Life is not fair...
read more
The Trump Card.....read
Most admired people on the planet...read
Captive vs Wild...
read more
JV talks about CITES convention held in SA...read
I have decided I do not have the body or
confidence to pursue the opposite sex any
longer...read more
I have lost a friend. His size was awesome, his
nature was gentle...read
Kenyatta torched 110 tons of ivory, 33 lions
were being flown into South Africa from circuses
and zoos that have been closed down...read
JV suggestion to SAN Parks re Sylvester the
lion...read more
Saving Sylvester the Lion...read
Open letter to United Nation - give countries a
"cruelty status"...read
Open letter to Carte Blanche about sheep farming
in the Karoo...read
Satellite tracking for tigers at Tiger
Canyons...read more
The fire at Tiger Canyons...read
The shooting of Ussuri's two cubs...read
Bad tigers...Corbett and Ustad...read
Tiger Boy's Journey...read
Instinctively we know we cannot continue on this
destructive path. Climate change, human
population growth, hamburger culture...read
Moving tigers around and putting some on birth
control...read more
Sariska was shy and gentle by nature, a thorough
gentleman...read more
Real Hunters: It jumps on him ripping his throat
out...read more
Operation Wild Lion... open letter to president
of South Africa...read
Open letter to PH Theo Bronkhorst about killing
Cecil the lion...read
Cruel nations: selling elephant calves and
canned lion hunting...read
Latest research shows there are only two tiger
More land for Tiger Canyons...read
...when we start our motor cars in the morning
and push out fossil fuels into the atmosphere,
we are killing far more than tigers, we are
killing our planet...read
I have searched for a champion without
success. Now I am exploring the hunters. I am
purely the messenger...read
Should you allow hunting to make money for
tigers?...read more
Gaia with seemingly zero compassion has spoken
again...read more
Can the Big Cats heal you...read
Why are the religious leaders of the world not
concerned for our planet...read
Do cats form a relationship with humans to
secure their survival....read
White Tigress Tibo protects her cubs by mating
with her brother...read
Gaining ground for tigers - make a donation...read
Tigress Tibo and Cheetah Mara raising cubs at
Tiger Canyons...read
Ian Player's dream of vast wilderness areas is
fading...read more
Three normal coloured
cub for white Tigress Tibo...read
Three cheetah cubs were
born at Tiger Canyons...read
Corbett's Freedom Day...read
The Power of the
Picture...photographers can save species...read
Safari: Corbett's
release...read more
JV's Music under the
to songs
Corbett's Journey...read
Busch School: Where are
they now...read more
Open letter to Jani Allen: Oscar Pistorius...read
Interview with JV about
Tiger Canyons...read
Marion's Big Cat
Safari...read more
Full energy flow at
Tiger Canyons..read
Lion, leopard, tiger and
cheetah can all co-exist in one park...read
Of the high
profile, rich individuals in the world, none
have seen fit to champion the cause of saving
the Tiger...read
Seatao gets a vasectomy....read
Winner of the photo competition, prize Big Cat
Safari, for 2013..read
Tigress Julie
Sept 1999 - 5 Dec 2013
read more
Trophy Hunting in SA - canned lions, rhino horn
Tell me what
happened...did Julie kill Shadow's cubs?
Open letter to
Min of Defense, South Africa about rhino
crisis...read more
Digital Photography and Photo Competition (prize: Big
Cat Safari with JV)...read more
Look into the eyes of a caged tiger and you will
see the zombie victim of 'zoochosis'...read
Response to JV's newsletter on Rhino Horn Trade...read
I have filmed many fights, kills and brutal scenes
during my time but this was by far the most raw, the most ferocious...read
The Evolution of the Tracker...read more
Letter to Minister
of Water Affairs and Environmental Affairs about trade in
rhino horn...read more
Using flash or spotlight on cats at night...read
Who has the best vision of the of the big Cats...
read more
Who is the fastest...
read more
Lion or tiger, who is the strongest...read
Cheetah at Tiger Canyons...read more
Seeking the Genes....
read more
Corbett's Journey....
read more
While "Shy Boy" mates 150 times over 4 days with "TiBo"...read
Contribute to tiger conservation - JV Image Library...see
The tigers have 5 curved sharp, vicious meat hooks, which extend when
fighting...read more
Voronin Big Cat Safari Breaks All Records, 11
leopards, 9 tigers...read more
Effectively what I was offering the Eastern Cape, was two high profile
tourist attractions in the leopard and the tiger...read
The John Hume Approach to save rhino's...read
Auction of rhino horn: If they do not grant you permission for the
auction then you create a global event....read
Mr. Prime Minister, if you genuinely want to save
the magnificent tiger, then create parks where guests from all over
the world can interact with your tigers the way they interact with
leopards at Londolozi....read more
The news has broken that the Indian Government is far
down the tracks with legislation that will ban tourism from their parks...read
Therefore it's possible that rhino horn is moving labeled as lion body
parts...read more
Corbett's Freedom
read about JV's decision
Corbett will be darted and then killed by lethal
injection by a professional vet....read
It struck me that these were
my last moments on planet Earth....read
Results -
photo competition
Tiger Canyons is making a calendar called
"Tigresses" which celebrates the beautiful ladies who have done so
much for tiger conservation over many years...read
Jos & Yvette Van Bommel have produced the most
stunning book called "Chuffing Tigers"...read
Rhino breeders have appealed to the Government to
allow them to trade the rhino horn, just like a farmer trades the
wool from his sheep...read more
How is it that provincial officials
can simply reject a R50 million project which will create 60 jobs
immediately and later over 100 jobs...read more
I have been given a price of $15,000 for the body
parts of an average size tiger. Therefore, 550 lions at $15,000 amounts
to $8,250,000 or around R58 million...read
...Jeremy Taylor recorded a song called "The Immorality
Law". It suggested that the first thing that Jan van Riebeeck
and his men did when they landed at the Cape, was to crossbreed
all the black ladies to create the coloured race of South
Africa....read more
on Wikipedia is being maliciously changed and altered to cast doubt on
the integrity of John Varty and the Tiger Canyons project...read
Approach your national parks to create protected areas for wild
tigers...read more
The more time I spend in the company of Big
Cats, the more I believe we underestimate their ability to
communicate...read more
Tributes to Savannah...read
The 3.6 metre electrified fence was dwarfed in places by
a surging lake flowing over the canyon...read
The male and founding tiger of Tiger Canyons, Ron, has
died at Tiger Canyons aged 11,5 years old....read
Corbett rises from the operation, a thin
scar has replaced the gaping wound. Corbett has been
restored to a handsome male tiger...read
JV's book, Nine Lives. Memoirs of a Maverick
Conservationist, John Varty...read
I now have evidence that
suggests Shine was darted by poachers attempting to kill or steal her
... Another male tiger, Sariska,
left Tiger Canyons either dead or alive, on the same night ....read
I regret to inform you that
on the 15th of August 2010, the white Tigress Shine was killed by a
young male tiger called Corbett....read more
..lets presume the South Africa Government took the same money
and recreate a huge national park, a Serengeti of the
South, ... read more
In fact, the animal lives to suffer the side
effects - not once, but repeatedly...read
The bankers
gun is rotating wildly, he has a bad attack of "buck fever", there is no
ways he will hit the target. "Rest the gun over my shoulder" I command...read
At Tiger Canyons, the tigers continue to thrive
and Julie's four cubs are growing rapidly. We
have observed interesting behavior from Seatao,
the father of the cubs...read
Emotions have run high across the world with
many people requesting that I pull Runti out and
hand raise her...read
However, to standby and watch the tiny cub fight for
its life, is an incredibly hard emotional
experience...read more
Savannah apparently understands perfectly well, for she
rather clumsily picks up the cub in her mouth and
returns it to the den...read
Emotion is running high across the world regarding my
statement that tigress Julie is unlikely to raise her five
cubs to maturity, and if one or two perish along the way
then I will not interfere...read
Surderban destroys
JV's EX1 camera...read more
Julie gives birth to 5 tiger
I was able to enter the den of Tigress
Julie and film and photograph five tiny new born cubs, one of
which is white...read more
International Tiger Day
If we cannot save the tigers, I assure you we cannot save
ourselves, it is as simple as that....read
Tiger Photo Gallery
View pictures
Tiger Photo Gallery
I have formed Tiger Photo Gallery and
I am inviting all photographers who have visited Tiger
Canyons or any Tiger Sanctuary, for that matter, to
submit 6 of your most interesting pictures to Tiger
Photo Gallery...read more
I found her lying on her back with her paws in the air.
Through the binoculars I could see an ugly gash on the
bottom of her pad on the rear right leg. The bullet must
have deflected off the ground upwards just catching her
across the pad...read more
My worst fears were confirmed when I
discovered a male tiger cub, caught in a strong wire
cable. The cable was tight around his waist and I could
see where he had frantically ripped up the soil in an
attempt to escape...read
Shine a White Light.
Three helpless, newly born tiger cubs, lie in the grass.
Their mother has abandoned them and they are at the mercy of
the elements....read more
Tiger burial. t was a solemn, touching ceremony as I and her surviving
cub watched her bury the body parts...read
At Londolozi Game Reserve, I am sitting with an 16 year
old leopard who I call "Manana", the mother.
She is probably the most famous and photographed leopard
in the world ...read more
Tiger Birth at Tiger Canyons
Shadow bit the umbilical cord, ate the afterbirth and
cleaned the membrane off the cub with her rough tongue.
For a tigress giving birth to her first litter, she was
doing surprisingly well....
read more
Invest in Tigers
This Newsletter is addressed to the hundreds of Indian
conservationists who have corresponded with me this last year....read
Tiger Courting
At Tiger Canyons, the two tigresses Julie and Shadow,
are in separate territories divided by a wire barrier. Each tigress
comes into estrus within hours of the other...read
Big Cat Safari
with John Varty
(Tiger Canyons & Londolozi)
Elephant Trust
I see that the minister of environment of South
Africa, has lifted the moratorium on culling of elephant...read
Privatizing the Tiger
Thousands of tigers exist in zoos around the world, earning
money for their masters as "displays", while the tigers in the
wild dwindle away as human beings take the last of their prey
and home range...
read more