Newsletter 109
Gaia or God?
Thank you for the many responses to the newsletter
Goddess Gaia. The majority of people see God and Gaia as one in the
Therefore if this is the case globally, then I urge
religious leaders around the world to re-examine their relationship with
planet earth and reinforce this in their teachings.
Many people ask me when will Gaia begin to bring the
planet back into balance? The answer is, the process is already

Consider a passenger aircraft at 37,000 feet flying
over Lake Malawi in Africa. The intense heat creates an up draft which
causes the aircraft to lift a full 3 000 feet. The aircraft surging
upwards is momentarily out of control. Both passengers and crew are at
the whim of Gaia as to whether they will live or die. Fortunately for
all, the pilots regain control and the disaster is averted.
In the Luangwa Valley National Park in Zambia a
pilot flying a Jetranger is caught up in a storm which is so violent
that it disorientates the blades of the helicopter, cutting through the
cockpit and killing the pilot instantly.

In Mpumalanga Province of South Africa, a storm known
as a ''micro burst'' catches tourists riding in open landrovers unaware.
Hailstones the size of golf balls rain down with deadly force on the
unfortunate tourists. Only by crawling under the jeep is death but not
injury averted.
Rolling over the Bahamas towards Florida and on to
Texas "Hurricane Katrina" hits the city of New Orleans flooding 80% of
the city leaving 1,833 people dead in its wake. "Hurricane Katrina" is
rated the costliest and deadliest hurricane ever to hit the USA.
On the Southern tip of Africa near the city of Cape
Town a fire rages over the famous Table Mountain. Brave firefighters
fight the fire for several days, but the fire consumes homes, leaving
many homeless.

Only rain can stop this fire and the people of Cape
Town pray for rain.
Gaia with seemingly zero compassion has spoken
Tread lightly on the Earth
Thank you for the huge response to "Healing
Power of Cats"
Many, many people gave examples of how their
pet cat or dog had helped them to beat a major disease like
Especially the ability of the cat to lie
across a person's body and vibrate it's purrs has been found to
have therapeutic power by many, many people.
Perhaps when seeking out a gift to give a
sick or old person we should try to find "ambassador cats" that
will bond easily and provide healing vibrations as well as