Habituated leopard strolls unconcerned passed a jeep with guests at Londolozi Game ReserveEffectively what I was offering the Eastern Cape, was two high profile tourist attractions in the leopard and the tiger. Had the Department had the vision, they could have helped the private enterprise boost their occupancies. They could have helped the private enterprise make profit and assisted them to compete in a highly competitive market. In short they could have created jobs and produced an environment to help them protect their rhinos. In my journey, I saw beautiful land, magnificent rivers and met wonderful people. Everyone asked me the same question. Is it possible to create habituated leopards in the Eastern Cape? The answer is that it is entirely possible. If the Department had vision, they could get the free ranging tigresses to habituate the leopards for them through cub relocations. This has been done at Tiger Canyons. To the people who have invested heavily in land, game and lodges in the Eastern Cape, I say politicians and civil servants are put there by the people. You need to change the narrow minded civil servants who have no leadership, integrity, flexibility or teamwork.
With no options left except bribery, which is not an option, I will be forced to take the R50 million investment into a province that practices leadership, integrity, flexibility and teamwork. Tread lightly on the Earth Response:
John, good to hear from you but sorry to hear
of the sorry government support. Have you tried
other countries, especially Botswana, which
seems to be the best run country in Southern
Best regards,
Stoney and Jan Edwards
Great to get your latest news, thank you.
Our comments:
We cannot believe that the Eastern Cape government and Parks Board are so narrow minded when it comes to saving the worlds resources, especially seeing as we are the culprits of these animals being in the position they are in. We would like to know why they are in the positions titled Nature Conservation, if they do not know the meaning of the words are. It seems to us that they are more interested in looking after themselves and their own pockets than creating jobs and encouraging tourism to improve their economic situation. We are right behind you with the fight for these fantastic animals and take our hat off to you for your perseverance, please don’t give up.
Kind regards
Astley and Philippa Knight
So sorry about the difficulties you having. The Free State is in a bad way. You should see the streets in Harrismith, they just potholes. We had a man come and speak to us who was a white spokesman for the government. He said very quietly we must not worry about the potholes the money is just going somewhere else. ( this we know only too well) It is said our Mayor said he’s not fixing the road to sort out the white people. Little Switzerland has had to close down along with 6 other tourist businesses because the Sterkfontein road is now not useable. We feel for you and hope things will come right soon. Hazel Fair Dear JV and the team at Tiger Canyons, Sorry to hear about your getting bogged down in the quagmire of big, centralized, bureaucratic government. Being an American, I can easily sympathize, as over here across the Atlantic over the past century our government has increasingly expanded its own power while simultaneously losing faith in the prowess, intellect, and integrity of private individuals with the courage, integrity, drive, means, and ability to implement great projects that will be beneficial to society. Gods blessings in your search for a province that will accept your investment and allow you to carry forward with your wonderful work! Sincerely, Does this mean the Tigers are NOT in the Eastern Cape? I thought the land was purchased and ready to go. Is this email the tale of the Eastern Cape sanctuary? Do you have room for your tigers now?
John, the simple reason for the bizzare replies you
received from the various government bodies is that there is
little scope for dipping the fingers in the honey pot. If there
is nothing in it for them they are not interested. Keep fighting
John. Dear Mr. JV, You've said it all!!! I still believe that the tigers should be in KZN as its closer to their natural habitat but a lot more concern from the government would have been nice. Do a lot of tourists visit Tiger Canyon? I'm no expert but we have a lot of game reserves on the North Coast and they are better known than the ones in the Eastern Cape. Closer proximity to major cities like Durban might be better for you guests - after all, who cares about the animals. Convenience to man. And stomping heavily on earth and destroying everything in its path - that's man. Who doesn't care about the creatures that have more right to be where they are than man. Just ranting a bit.
Hi JV This is the story of many of our 34 Government departments. Indecision, inexperience, incompetence, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, ineptness make what should be straight forward - ineffable! I have attached a recent newsletter I wrote to support this Best Good day Mr Varty My sister in law has a lodge in the
Eastern Cape (Figtree Lodge), and although I have not
discussed this with them, I know they have vast land near
Addo. I feel obligated to speak with them or my wife to see
whether they would be interested. Hello JV I have read with sadness your ill-fated attempts to help the eastern cape tourism market. This is not surprising though, given that this province is not even capable of looking after its own education or health of so many people. Looking at what the western cape has and is doing with its tourism industry, I am quite sure that there would be tremendous interest and support for a project such as you have suggested. There are a number of private and state run game reserves throughout the area, and I am sure that with the correct marketing, you would interest many people. There is a positive and "lets do it" attitude in the Cape, and I hope you will be well received. Helen Zille is able to make many things possible, why not this? Good Luck! Hi JV I live in Durban KZN and have also been listening and watching all the goings on with our wildlife poaching etc. You make mention in your letter of how it is not unique to stay at a luxury lodge and view leopard and other wild animals however this is not financially accessible for the many South Africans living in our beautiful country. The cost of staying at a lodge is priced for the overseas visitor – I and many others cannot afford to travel and stay overnight in a lodge with my family as this would be unaffordable. Perhaps if the lodges could offer preferential rates to South Africans then they could have a higher occupancy and therefore be able to afford the “armies” required and then all South Africans would be able to take advantage of our stunning country and it’s wildlife offering! I love reading your discussions and please continue with what you are doing for our wild cats! Regards.
Try Namibia, there are less idiots to deal with
Dear JV
I shudder to think what the future of our beautiful land is for all of us, not just the animals, when I read articles like yours here. Thank you so much for all you do to preserve all these magnificent animals. I can pass on your information and I do- widely. I hope this helps to increase awareness and support for your work. Very best wishes Good, well...bad, but as an
investor and a dreamer (also of tigers roaming
free in Africa) my question is: can't you do
whatever you want (within certain limits, of
course) in your own property, provided all
security measures have been taken in place? In
other words, assuming one has the amount of
money required to realize a project like that,
on a large nature conservancy, can authorities
stop you?
I'd like you to revert to me with an answer.
Thanks for your efforts and best regards.
Massimo Evangelista
Hello Mr. John... God bless U for u r efforts
for natural conservation. If U spread u r tiger
project Beyond ' tiger canyon' that will be more
successful story of u r dream about tiger
conservation. There are big national parks and
wild landscape in African continent. If u expand
ur Tiger project one of those National parks
where Tigers have proper environment that will
be big achievement for U as well as Tigers. If u
think that Tigers cant share there territory
with Lions, then choose such a landscape where
all African wild animals found except lion. If u
get area about 1000 sq.km. wild landscape that
will be enough to survive more than 60 wild
tigers. But u need to have enough pray base for
tigers. Animals like Zebra, Wildbeast, Wildpigs,
and the big Cape buffelo. In India the Tigers
are known to take down the adult Male Bison and
full grown Indian Rhino.
Good morning John,
I have been a keen follower of your Tiger Canyons tale for the past 4 years. Whilst at University at Potchefstroom, I even wrote a letter to Salomentsi indicating that I do believe in your vision and I have written you letters in the past to encourage you. My vision I totally agree with you that the various ‘subspecies’ of tigers are not so. My understanding is that tigers adapted to different shapes and narrower stripes to suit their habitat. The Siberian tiger’s larger body mass enables it to withstand the bitter cold 9as small animals suffer in extremes), the Bengalese, Indo-China and Chinese tigers are very similar due to habitat consisting of jungles, grasslands and rocky areas and the man-made boundaries is the only factors that classify these animals into the current so-called subspecies, and the Javan, Bali and Sumatran tigers were smaller with closely set stripes because of their jungle environment. In short, natural selection gave the form to the different tigers in different habitat. Your opinion that interbreeding tigers with other ‘subspecies’ is thus the future to ensure viable genetic stable individuals. I had an idea during my university days (before I read of your success in Philippolis) that tigers be kept in 1 ha camps. Males in the middle, surrounded by females in camps. Gates would be able to open between the males and the females as to ensure breeding and tigers would be able to get to know each other through their fences (much the same as Tiger Canyons, just smaller). Then, there would be game animals freely grazing in the camps. Elevated boardwalks would cross the camps and tourists would be able to view tigers from above (say 5 metres, according to Jim Corbett, tigers seemed to pay less attention to what is happening above them and thus he was very successful in hunting them by sitting in a tree). Problems Today I do not feel that the tiger has any future left in Asia, actually, I do not feel that any wild creature that needs large spaces with sufficient core areas and no pressure from the human race have a future in unfenced areas, as this allow individuals to cross over the park boarders too easily. South Africa is the only country in the world that has fenced in parks, keeping lions, buffalo, elephants inside. The same could be done with tigers, they are not different to lions in keeping them fenced in (Tiger Canyons for example). The tiger could fill the niche of a lion in a park, where elephant rides could be introduced as in Nepal, rhino’s could co-exist as in India, Nepal with the tiger and leopards could also be there. As in the Gir forest, lions and tigers even co-existed. This would however, not be the focus of such a park. Where tigers and rhino’s benefit from the same anti-poaching units administered by South African game business, this is what the world needs. Eastern Cape The province where there is wide-spread maladministration ( I grew up in East London), with huge potential for wildlife. Even more so than KZN, I believe, due to no malaria, tsetse-fly or poisonous ticks to talk of. Water aplenty, especially the Transkei, and the possibility of approaching farmers with such a project should be good (until I read your newest letter). My Reason for writing this letter Even after your injuries sustained at Tiger Canyons, I would like to implore you to not stop your work. The tiger is a symbol of many Asian countries, sadly, they lack the political will, the knowledge and the love of animals to do your work. The tiger and the crocodile has always been symbols of freedom and unspoilt nature to me: the crocodile and alligator of clean water, the tiger of untamed forest and pristine mountains. Sadly, this is no longer the case, as all animals now must make due with scraps offered by humanity for their survival. I would like to offer assistance to you should you ever need a friend in animals. Keep on believing in your vision, you have been a pioneer in wildlife, keep on. Regards, Read this babes, makes you realise (as you do anyway), just how ridiculous our, “you know what’s” are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi John, Try the Western Cape Provincial Government. I do not know if you will find suitable habitat or opportunities there, but we have worked with the Department of Economic Development and Tourism Department (DEDAT) AND THEY ARE THE MOST DYNAMIC AND EFFICIENT WE HAVE EVER ENCOUNTERED in all the National or Provincial departments we have ever worked with.
A contact who we have worked with is
Jo-Ann Johnston
Head of Department: Solly Fourie Regards Tertia Smit
Nicely put JV, my sentiments match
precisely; the guys making the
decisions have blinkers on and don’t
know the value of the opportunity
lost to the E/Cape.
Tread lightly on the Earth
info@jvbigcats.co.za |
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