Newsletter 160
The Power of the Photograph

Hello Friends
"If you reveal your
secret life to me
I can show the world
Your strength and beauty
Caring mother that you are
Secret hunter superstar
You will help to set me free"
From the song
When I began my photographic and film career,
we would go out with film cameras, both stills and movie.
In your box could be 30 out of focus
pictures. These all had to be paid for. It was an incredibly
expensive and wasteful industry.
Today, if the picture is out of focus, you
simply delete it and move on.
Twenty years ago, a government could destroy
a forest. Today, they can still destroy a forest, but there will
be someone there to photograph it and social media will be there
to protest it.
The saying a pictures speaks a thousand
words, is a cliché, but it is true.
I am extremely proud to have been a
collaborator on the finest photographic Tiger Book ever
produced. It is called "Celebrating Tigers".

All photographs were taken by the well known
wildlife photographers, Alex Kirichko and Oksana Tymofieieva.
Turning the pages of the book, nostalgia
sweeps over me. Seatao is no longer with us. (Seatao was
believed to have been bitten by a Cape Cobra)
Tigress Julie, my founding tigress, is gone
(Julie died on the same day as Nelson Mandela, one of the most
traumatic days of my life)
Zaria, one of the most beautiful tigresses I
have ever filmed and photographed, is no more. (Zaria
disappeared and although we searched for days, the body was
never recovered)
What a picture does, is it freezes a moment
in time. It can never be recaptured.
Other icon tigers in the book "Celebrating
Tigers", are still with us.
Sunderban who has demonstrated how male
tigers will form coalitions when necessary, is still a dominant
male at Tiger Canyons.

Tibo (short for Tiger Bomb) is on her second
litter of cubs. Two of Tibo's litter are white cubs. This brings
the total of white tigers in the wild to three.
Ussuri, Tibo's sister, has proved to be one
of the most successful tigers at Tiger Canyons (Ussuri presently
has a second litter of three normal coloured cubs)
Above all, a book of this quality sends out a
message of hope for the future for the wild tiger. There are
places being set aside for wild tigers. There are dedicated
people who care!
I urge more people and other countries to set
aside suitable places for wild tigers to survive and thrive.
We must all help Asia to save the wild tiger
for future generations.
I leave you all with the following lyrics
from the song "Among the Wild Flowers"
"Julie I loved you
so dearly
You left a rich legacy
Tigers wild, tigers fast, tigers hunting
And they came from you
Tigress Julie"
Tread Lightly on the Earth
"Celebrating Tigers"

The book is 278 pages long
The pictures were taken on a Canon EOS 5D
Mark II
Printed on Scheufelen Phoenix Motion Xantur
170g/sq m
Set in monotype Joanna Nova
Special Edition:
One hundred special editions have been
printed. Housed in a classy linen box
To purchase:
The special edition is $1 000 including VAT.
Books to North America, Canada, Australia and Asia must add $25.
Total $1 025.
Books to the UK and Europa, with postage is $1 015
The Standard Edition is $125 including VAT.
Postage to USA, Canada, Asia and Australia is $25
Postage to Europa is $15
We are offering a special of $150 for
"Celebrating Tigers", "Nine Lives" and "In the Jaws of the
Tiger" inclusive.
Postage as above.
Please email Sunette
[email protected]
and make an electronic transfer:
JCB Varty
First National Bank
A/C 62028463503
Branch code 250655
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
New website:
Please check out our fantastic new Tiger
Canyon website.
Thanks to Luke and Amy Worster, Dan van
Houten and Naomi Roebert who designed it