Private Invitation
"First, think, second,
believe, third, dream and finally dare"
Walt Disney
Gaining Ground for Tigers
Hello friend
I am inviting 30 likeminded friends to make a
$100,000 donation to the Tigress Julie Foundation (This is in the
process of being fully registered)
What do you achieve by
1. You create a homerange of 1 800 hectares for 8
to 10 wild Tigers

2. You create a homerange for 5 Cheetah. The
first free ranging cheetah in 100 years in the Free State of South

3. You help change a destructive land use system
back to indigenous wild life

4. You restore a wetland for South Africa’s
national bird the Blue Crane

5. You help create 65 jobs in the poverty pocket
of Philippolis

6. You help with training and upliftment of the
Philippolis community in the field of Tourism

7. You help relocate 12 Hippo from Londolozi to
Tiger Wetland (The first wild hippo in the Free State of South
Africa in 120 years)

8. You help create a lodge in close proximity to
Tiger Canyons thus reducing dependence on Philippolis

9. You help relocate White Rhino from dangerous
poaching zones to a safe zone at Tiger Wetland

10. You assist with locating disease free buffalo
onto the landscape

What do you receive in
1. An international tax consultant will advise
you the best tax advantage for your particular country

2. You receive 50 bed nights at Tiger Wetlands
Lodge . These are structured at 10 bed nights a year for 5 years.
The bed nights are transferable to family, friends, clients and

Tread lightly on the Earth