Newsletter 77
Digital Photography

Digital photography has become a powerful
tool in the hands of conservationists.
Graphic images of rhinos with horns hacked
off appear daily in the social media. Everyday we are reminded
that in South Africa alone we could lose 1000 rhinos by the end
of 2013.
Images of animal cruelty in all parts of the
world are pressurizing governments to act. Zoos and circuses are
starting to feel the heat and rightly so.
In Kenya conservationists are not only
listing the names of rhino and elephant poachers, they are
photographing them as well. Now we can put a face to a name.

South Africa should do exactly the same.
Don't just post an article "South African businessman behind
poaching," name him and post his photo. The world recently got a
good look at Chumlong Lemtongthai, the Taiwanese who received a
40 year jail sentence for illegal trade in rhino horn. This is
progress indeed!
In the field of animal behaviour, new facts
are being learnt daily through video and photography.

Aquavision's "Caught in the Act" filmed for
Nat Geo Wild, provided a valuable platform for the amateur
cameraman who had captured new behavioral sequences.
The tiger listed in the 10 most endangered
species on this planet was once again at the forefront of
digital imagery.
Out of Asia it is always bad news, tiger
poisoned, tiger trapped, tiger poached, tiger killed or tiger

Conversely tiger kills wood collector, tiger
kills fisherman, tiger kills child, reinforces the conflict
between man and tigers.
As the wild tiger battles for space and prey,
India alone moves past 1.4 billion people. Can the wild tiger be
saved in Asia? No it cant!

At Tiger Canyons we have had a remarkable
year photographically.
"Squiver Photo Tours" took photography to a
new level. Images of fighting tigers, mating tigers, leaping
tigers, swimming tigers and stalking tigers streamed across the
world. Amazing images captured by professional photographers in
a beautiful setting.

Big Cat Safaris put together images of lion,
leopard, cheetah wild dog and tiger in the space of a week.
For those of you battling to make the
deadline for the photo competition, I have good news. I have
extended the closing date until the 15th of November 2013.

A reminder of the rules. Three leopard
pictures and three tiger pictures. Each picture will score
points out of 10. Points are added up and the person with the
most points is the winner. Not more than 500KB per picture

The judges are renowned National Geographic
photographer Marsel van Oosten and Daniella Sibbing ("Squiver
Photo Tours").

Tiger Canyons has the right to use any
picture entered, in the cause of Tiger Conservation.

I have pleasure in announcing the 2014 photo
competition. Due to the popularity of the competition, the prize
has been increased to 4 nights at Londolozi and 4 nights at
Tiger Canyons for 2 people. The format of the competition is, 8
pictures in total, 2 pictures each of a lion, cheetah, leopard
and tiger. Each picture receives points and the highest total is
the winner. The judges for the 2014 competition are Jos and
Yvette van Bommel.

Bear in mind at Tiger Canyons in 2014, you
will be able to photograph wild cheetah as well as Tigers.

Good luck to everyone and let your pictures
do the talking. Nail the poachers, animal cruelty, animals in
circus acts, corruption, habitat destruction, tiger body parts
trade, smuggling etc!
Photograph it and expose it, is your motto.
Tread Lightly on the Earth
First Prize - Big Cat Safari with John Varty
Londolozi Game Reserve and at Tiger Canyons
1) You have to enter only 6 pictures: 3x tiger pictures and 3x
leopard pictures
2) Each picture score points out of 10 - winner will be the one with
the highest number out of 60. One bad picture will give you a bad
3) Pictures can be taken anywhere in the world
4) Picture size: not more than 500KB
(jpeg files)
5) Closing date: 15th November 2013
6) Email to
[email protected]
Do NOT send more than 3 tiger pictures
Do NOT send more than 3 leopard pictures
Do NOT send only tiger or only leopard pictures
Do NOT send more than 500KB per picture
You will be disqualified!