Tigress Shadow recovered completely from her woundThe communication had a profound effect upon me. My rage subsided and I returned to my vehicle to call in a vet to treat the wound. To this day Shadow remains a wild unpredictable tigress, but she never ever ignores my greetings and always answers me with a chuff. In the recent devastating floods, the male tiger Corbett was hiding in some reeds. Ricky, my assistant, was moving through the reeds on foot because the flooded roads were impassable for vehicles.
Suddenly Corbett charged from the reeds. Ricky, by standing tall and shouting in a low tone rather like a growl, was able to stop the charge. However, Corbett began to circle him, menacingly and cuffed Ricky a few times. Ricky changed his voice from an aggressive low pitched command to a more calming chuffing greeting. Corbett responded to the chuffing and after a short while, went back into the reeds. I have no doubt that if Ricky, who physically is not big, had continued with the aggressive approach, the tiger would have killed him. Ricky's ability to communicate with Corbett at another level, saved his life. At Londolozi, I'm sitting with a 16 year old leopard called Manana. Suddenly she gets up and moves off to hunt. At 50 metres, she stops and looks back at me. She makes no sound, but the eyes are enquiring, "Do you want to hunt with me, this may be your last and only chance", is the way I interpret the communication.
For the next 3 hours as she hunts, she communicates with me in a bewildering array of signals and messages sent with eyes, body and tail. There is no doubt that she takes the communication between human being and leopard to a new level.
At Tiger Canyons, tigress Julie has brought her first litter of cubs out of the den for the first time. They are just 6 weeks old. As I sit with Julie admiring the three cubs, an electric storm rolls in over the canyons. A sudden bolt of lighting strikes the hill behind us and one cub freezes in fright and two bolt into the tall grass.
At Londolozi Game Reserve, a male leopard known as 5:5 because of his spot pattern, is being viewed by 3 game drive vehicles. As I sit filming in my film vehicle, 5:5 strolls across sniffing some dried blood on the jeep. Casually, he puts his head through the open door, 4 feet from where I am sitting. He makes eye contact with me and decides I represent no danger. He puts his front paws on the seat next to me. Now his head is less than 24 inches from mine.
I chuff him, he does not reply. I turn my eyes away. It's a submissive act on my part (staring represents aggression). I move the big black lens of my camera up to cover my eyes and I film him. He stares directly into the lens. His head is no more than 12 inches from mine. I lower the lens and chuff him again. This time he responds. Human being and leopard are now comfortable in each others presence. Casually, he sniffs the gear stick, the camera box and the tripod. Satisfied he has investigated everything, he slowly drops to the ground and walks off into the bush. Sixteen guests have watched spellbound during the 4 minute interaction, only one has taken a picture. A eighteen month old male tiger called Tiger Boy has killed a mountain reedbuck. His mother Julie and his brother Shy Boy are waiting nearby for a chance to get to the kill. Tiger Boy straddles the carcass, snarling back at the two waiting tigers. To capture the scene, I have to leave my vehicle and go on foot. I take a movie camera a stills camera, a bean bag and my white stick.
In the vehicle I turn on a tape recorder with a specially adapted microphone which can record infra sound, too low for my ears. As I approach the kill, Tiger Boy turns immediately towards me, still straddled across the dead reedbuck. He curls back the lips revealing bloodied teeth. Its a frightening sight. I stop at a distance which I believe to be safe, some 10 metre from the aggressive male tiger. I place the movie camera on a bean bag and turn it on. I begin to circle, shooting the still camera, keeping the 10 metre distance from him. As I move he moves with me keeping his eyes riveted on me. I hear nothing! As I kneel down to shoot from a lower angle, he charges. As he charges I hear the deafening growl, he is on me like a flash, rearing up trying to rake me in. I hit him as hard as I can with my stick. As Tiger Boy attacks me, Julie and Shy Boy charge in to take his kill. Like lightening, Tiger Boy turns away from me and attacks his mother and brother and recaptures his kill. In a state of shock and back in my vehicle, I contemplate what went wrong with this communication. The first mistake I made was, I believed that I could dominate a young male tiger. The second mistake was to move towards the kill. Tiger Boy interpreted this as intent to steal his kill. (He was already under threat from the other two tigers). The third mistake was to kneel down, moving myself from a dominant position to a submissive one. It seems inconceivable that I should make such an elementary mistake. One factor in my defense, was that although he was growling, I never heard the growl. Only when he charged could the growl become audible to my ears. The low growl as he faced me on the kill was in the infra zone, too low for the human ear. This was confirmed by my infra zone tape recorder which recorded the low growling before the attack.
Back at Tiger Canyons, things are returning to normal. It took us 8 weeks to clear up the debris. Many roads are still under water and access into the sanctuary is difficult.
I would like to thank the many people who supported me with encouragement and financially, I would not have survived without your help. I urge all of you to watch "Tiger Man of Africa" which is now showing in the USA on National Geographic Wild. It will reach Europe in May and Africa in June. I would like to thank Phil Fairclough and all at Creative Differences Productions and all at National Geographic for supporting me in this tiger series. My hope is it goes a long way to creating awareness to the plight of the wild tiger. Shortly we will begin the first ever 3D film on tiger with Peter Lamberti and Aquavision, which will be broadcast world wide. On Sunday 5 June, the video "Shine a Light", will be shown on Eastern Mosaic, TV2 (South Africa). This is a song for the white tigress Shine The musical "Nine Lives" is appearing on YouTube. It is hoped that professional musicians will take the songs and re-record them in aid of Tiger Conservation. Destiny Child - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0shNDUOkM_s Celebrate the Big Cats - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvgVe8UdArY Shine a Light - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp1a3SKV3tI Tiger Den Sites - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQUcgT-13_U The Flood at Tiger Canyons - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSruKcm_hos Thank you again for all your e-mails, comments on facebook and contributions to help save the magnificent wild tiger. Tread lightly on the earth
Tread lightly on the Earth
[email protected] |
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